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English translation for "visible hand"


Related Translations:
visible laser:  可见光激光器可见激光器
visible minorities:  有色少数族裔
visible sunset:  视日没
visible ray:  【物理学】可见光。
visible yarn:  绒头部分
visible radiation:  非荧光磁粉可见辐射光可见幅射可见光辐射
visible subsidies:  有形补贴
visible smoke:  可见烟
visible minority:  有色人种
visible sound:  (收音机的)示波器,电眼。
Example Sentences:
1.So , how to give full play to the functions of governments - " the visible hand " - to make up the market defects and restrict the negative effects of market are problems demanding prompt solution
2.Public services marketization leads the market mechanism into the domain of public administration . in essence , it uses market mechanism as a " invisible hand " to overcome government malfunction which is regarded as a " visible hand "
3.By the end of 18th century , western scholars had began to explicate the defect of market mechanism . an introduction to employment , profit and money by keynes , severely criticized the theory of automatic balance by market force by sayor , in 1936 . he demanded that the government function should be changed into “ and active intervenor ” from “ night watchman ” by adam smith , which may remedy the defect of “ invisible hand ” of the government on the market being replaced with “ visible hand ” of the government
4.Many economists , from adam smith , carl marx , marshall to bain , galbraith and chandler , have treatises on the tendency of enterprises " becoming larger . in more than two hundred years , we can see the track of their thought in their respective works : the wealth of the nations , principles of economics , the theory of industrial organization , monopoly and economic concentration , and visible hand
关于企业大型化的趋势从亚当?斯密开始,经马克思、马歇尔、到贝恩、加尔布雷斯和小艾尔弗雷德?钱德勒,二百多年来,国外学者论著众多,我们可以从《国富论》 、 《资本论》 、 《经济学原理》 、 《产业组织论》 、 《新产业国家》和《看得见的手》等系列文献中看到他们的理论思想轨迹。
5.( 2 ) information is asymmetrical from person to person . ( 3 ) institutional forms vary . based on the analysis of the " invisible hand " of the market and the " visible hand " of the state , a theory that the family institution may act as another " invisible hand " is presented
论文导言基于“经济人”是来自于家庭的“生物人” 、信息不对称、制度多样性三个基本假设,在评述市场“看不见的手”和政府“看得见的手”的基础上,明确地提出了“又一只看不见的手” ? ?家庭或家族制度,并梳理出自己的理论体系。
6.The 1997 financial crisis broken out in south korea was a good example of it therefore , we should not ignore the malpractice caused by long - term government over - intervention of economy while affirming the positive function of this industrial policy - centered economic strategy in the process of long and continuous development of south korea ' s economy . only by following the economic rules , harmonizing the " invisible hand " of market operation and the " visible hand " of government and finally forming the all - regulating " double - hand system " can we achieve the just , effective and continuous development of social economy in different periods of economic development
所以,我们在肯定韩国政府采取的以产业政策为核心的经济发展战略在韩国经济长期高速增长过程中所起到的积极作用时,也不能忽视政府长期以来对经济过度干预产生的弊端,只有在经济发展的不同阶段,以遵循经济发展规律为前提,协调运作市场“看不见的手”与政府“看得见的手”的作用,形成全面协调的“双手机制” ,才能实现社会经济公正、有效、持续发展。
7.However he afterwards talk d very gravely to me , exhorted me to go back to my father , and not tempt providence to my ruine ; told me i might see a visible hand of heaven against me , and young man , said he , depend upon it , if you do not go back , where - ever you go , you will meet with nothing but disasters and disappointments till your father s words are fulfilled upon you
可是,后来他又郑重其事与我谈了一番,敦促我回到父亲身边,不要再惹怒老天爷来毁掉自己。他说,我应该看到,老天爷是不会放过我的。 "年轻人, "他说, "相信我的话,你若不回家,不论你上哪儿,你只会受难和失望。
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